Magical Moments

It’s that magical moment when the world was half asleep; and also half awake. When the sun comes up to meet and kiss the horizon again; the clouds gather to the dawn of the day.

June 30, 2016 • 5:27am

It’s that magical moment when the world was half asleep; and also half awake. When the sun comes up to meet and kiss the horizon again; the clouds gather to the dawn of the day. It is moments like this that gives me, or gives us hope. Like the mistakes of the past has been all forgotten; all the aches and the pain been healed, all the wrongs been forgiven and the new light of the day is here. It’s as if nothing could go wrong. And the big bright sun is coming up here in front of me to prove it all… I had never cherished, seized, nor seen the sunrise like this. One spectacular summer dawn when I didn’t know any better, but the sun came up as if to tell me he’s there to save the day. As though he knows all the things I didn’t know. As if he’s gonn’ be there to patiently teach me all; the way I’ve waited for hours for him to finally come up and meet the horizon.

I have never loved the sun like this; nor cherished the day watching its beautiful light burst into a hundred colors of hues. The only day where it feels soft and kind.

Author: Nydel Manalo

I feel like a freaking lunatic. Wandering around... not knowing who I am... or what I do. And I'm still trying to figure it all out, too. But perhaps I'll always be unknown to me; I'll always be that girl. The girl in the abyss.

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