The In Between

That’s how it looks like to me: Life and Death, and Death and Life. I in the middle, with the moon and the ocean in between.

April 4, 2021

I go through waves of ups and downs. Sometimes I’d find myself diving too deeply in the world of calm that calls my mind. And then other times I’d be sinking so slowly, so plainly… so unreasonably. Until there’s no more air for me to breathe. I sometimes like that, I sometimes find it uncomfortable; but I want it. I always want it. Then sometimes I’d feel high; so high, that I’d just find myself dancing on the moon; floating somewhere. Going anywhere; or going nowhere. That’s just what life is, to me. That’s how it looks like to me. Life and Death, and Death and Life. I in the middle, with the moon and the ocean in between.

I am in the middle of it all… And I don’t even know what to feel anymore.

Author: Nydel Manalo

I feel like a freaking lunatic. Wandering around... not knowing who I am... or what I do. And I'm still trying to figure it all out, too. But perhaps I'll always be unknown to me; I'll always be that girl. The girl in the abyss.

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