The In Between

That’s how it looks like to me: Life and Death, and Death and Life. I in the middle, with the moon and the ocean in between.

April 4, 2021

I go through waves of ups and downs. Sometimes I’d find myself diving too deeply in the world of calm that calls my mind. And then other times I’d be sinking so slowly, so plainly… so unreasonably. Until there’s no more air for me to breathe. I sometimes like that, I sometimes find it uncomfortable; but I want it. I always want it. Then sometimes I’d feel high; so high, that I’d just find myself dancing on the moon; floating somewhere. Going anywhere; or going nowhere. That’s just what life is, to me. That’s how it looks like to me. Life and Death, and Death and Life. I in the middle, with the moon and the ocean in between.

I am in the middle of it all… And I don’t even know what to feel anymore.

Inescapable Oblivion

They fear something so precious might be forgotten and fade away; to fade out gradually and disappear in the passing of time. Like ashes in wind…

Jan. 2, 2019 • 11:29pm

People aren’t mostly afraid of the unknown. Most likely, when there is something they’re frightened about… it’s this: — Oblivion. They fear something so precious might be forgotten and fade away; to fade out gradually and disappear in the passing of time. Like ashes in wind… Scattered. And lost.

Gone forever.

Fleeting Life

If we ever try to catch
The sudden pouring of the rain
Will we ever realize
The things we wished in vain?

Where can we truly find
The things we couldn’t see
A place for us to have;
Those things we wish to be

The way the birds take flight
And leaves fall on the ground
We only see these things..
In times that we are down

A lonely cup upon the table
Curtains dancing in the breeze
We wonder why the moon above..
Can make our heart at ease

Waves come crashing on the shore
The pebbles then recede and roll;
We make and take, and waste our time
Waiting for someone’s call

Do we reach up and touch the wind
Or wait for the wind to touch our hand?
Are we puppets on the string,
Or we only do the things He planned

We laugh and smile
Then fall apart and cry
Counting on a million ways
The time had passed us by

If we ever try to catch
The sudden pouring of the rain
Will we ever realize
The things we wished in vain?

We always know that things will pass
And soon everything will be alright
If that is so, and it will be
Then I might as well just sleep tonight